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Världsavslut & EndGame

Det finns flera olika faktorer som kan avgöra när en värld är vunnen. Kriterierna för världsvinst kan variera dramatiskt, så efterhand som en värld fortlöper, vill vi råda dig att hålla ett öga på vinstkriterierna för världen du spelar på. Sex olika EndGames scenarios är inbyggda i spelet; Den stora Belägringen, Dominans, Maktens Hemligheter, Poäng, RunByar och Upplysningens Ålder.

I en del världar, framförallt de äldre finns inget automatiskt EndGame aktiverat. På dessa världar andra krav eller förutsättningar behöva uppfyllas för att världen ska vinnas och avslutas. Vänligen vänd dit till den specifika värld och/eller marknad det gäller för information om denna typen av världsavslut.

Maktens Hemligheter

Så du har byggt upp dina arméer, adlat dina fiender, gått med i en kraftfull stam och satt skräck i alla mindre spelare på världen. Vad händer nu? På en satt tid i spelet kommer Maktens Hemligheter att börja dyka upp i barbarbyar runt om på kartan. Dessa Hemligheter är uppfinningaroch upptäckter som kommer leda in världen i ett nytt skede. Och de är också målet för spelet; en stam som klarar av att hålla ett helt set Hemligheter under en angiven tid kommer vara den dominerande kraften i denna nya tidsålderr och därmed vinna spelet.

Kontrollera en Hemlighet

Du tar kontrollen över en hemlighet när du adlar byn den förnärvarande finns i (indikerat av en speciell flagga på kartan) eller när en hemlighet blir flyttad till en av dina byar. Till skillnad från trupper kan en hemlighet bara flyttas en kortare sträcka i taget. Efter flytten måste hemligheten vila i den nya hembyn en bestämd tid, beroende på världsinställninarna. När du väl ger ordern om att flytta en hemlighet lämnar den din kontroll - du kan inte avbryta eller få tillbaka den (om den inte flyttas mellan dina byar) så var försiktig med vem du skickar den till.

Hemligheternas spridning

Efter ett tag, som alla andra hemligheter, så börjar de spridas runt stammen som håller dem. Du kommer få regelbundna uppdateringar om när och möjligen vart hemligheten kommer spridas. Den nya kopian av Hemligheten är exakt lika bra som orginalet! Till slut kommer hemligheterna at spridas mer och mer, vilket gör det ännu svårare att hålla dina fienders giriga fingrar ifrån dem. Till slut kommer det vara dags att attackera vilken by som helst som har hemliggheterna din stam ännu inte kontrollerar.

Vinna spelet

To win the game a tribe must hold a full set of secrets. You don't have to hold all Secrets on the map, but your tribe must have at least one instance of each named secret. After a tribe has acquired control of a full set, a victory countdown timer will start. If a tribe retains control of a whole set for the countdown period, it will win the game. Note that only the set counts: If a tribe has more than one copy of a secret, it is sufficient for that tribe to retain control of one instance of this secret to retain completeness of the full set and thus win the game.

After a tribe has won, the world will automatically go to peace settings and will eventually be closed.

Age of Enlightenment

The Age Of Enlightenment is a type of Endgame, introduced in July 2019 in which players or tribes will need to conquer one of the special University villages and upgrade the University on a certain level. Once a tribe or a player builds the last level of the University in this special village, the world will end.

To achieve that goal faster, the players of a tribe must work together and send resources to the village. The idea behind this endgame concept, is the build and upgrade of a "World wonder" as a winning condition.

You can find more information in the following page: Age of Enlightenment


As the weeks and months pass, you may find that your tribe is slowly creeping across the map and gaining a stranglehold on the world. In a dominance-based endgame, this could mean that you and your tribunates are close to winning the world. Once a tribe reaches a set level of dominance (which varies according to world settings), a warning will be sent out to all players informing them that one tribe is getting close to winning the world. From this point onwards, it's an ongoing battle for the dominant tribe to achieve their goal, and for everyone else to try to stop them!

What is dominance?

Dominance is calculated as the percentage of player-owned villages belonging to a tribe. For example, if there are 100,000 player-owned villages in a world, and a tribe owns 50,000 of those villages, that tribe has 50% dominance.

Requirements to win

For a tribe to win the world, both of the following conditions must be met (precise requirements depend on world settings):

The world must be of a minimum age The tribe must meet the required level of dominance Winning the game A warning will be sent out to all players when the winning requirements are close to being met. Once both conditions have been met, a report will be sent to players saying that the endgame is in effect, and when peace settings will come into effect. The tribe who achieved the required dominance level will win the game.

Points/Villages requirements

This endgame scenario can apply to either a tribe or a player, dependent on world settings. The player scenario is sometimes used in high speed worlds, but is uncommon in worlds played at a slower speed. In both cases in order to win the world a player or tribe must obtain a minimum amount of points and a minimum number of villages. Then they must hold it for a set period of time. If the player or tribe drops below the victory requirements, endgame will be cancelled and they must start the process again.

Requirements to win

For a tribe or player to win the world, the following conditions must be met (exact requirements depend on world settings):

The player/tribe must meet the minimum points requirement The player/tribe must meet the minimum villages requirement The player/tribe must hold both of the above conditions continuously for a specified amount of time

Winning the game

A warning will be sent to all players when a player or tribe has met the victory conditions. At this point, the rest of the world have a specified amount of time in which to bring the player/tribe back below the victory conditions. If the player/tribe maintains the requirements continuously for the specified time, they win the world.