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Varje vecka får medlemmar i en stam få ett slumpmässigt uppdrag för att tjäna ytterligare Prestige. Varje uppdrag är uppdelat i tre olika milstolpar. Spelarna får dessa uppdrag som ikoner liknande det kända uppdraget. Dessa stamuppdrag visar det individuella målet för varje spelare och inte det för stammen.

Levels icon.PNG

Även om de övergripande målen av uppdragen är begränsade, kommer de uppsatta mängderna (t.ex. byggnader att konstruera) växa efterhand som spelaren funnits på världen längre.

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För varje milstolpe en spelare når kommer han bli belönad med Prestige omedelbart när kraven uppfylls. Om en spelare når alla milstolparna måstse han vänta på nästa Stamuppdrag. Stammen blir belönad med Prestige när tiden för det aktuella uppdraget går ut. Detta beräknas med ett medelvärde av alla stammedlemmarnas framgångar, alltså ett medl på antalet milstsolpar stammedlemmarna uppnått. Att inte delta eller att misslyckas med att nå den första milstolpen i det aktiva uppdraget räknas som "0" (inga milstolpar). Stammens framsteg visas på skärmen för Stamfärdigheter.

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How to read the graphic:

  • Tribe progress between 1 and 2: All tribe members reached the first milestone.
  • Tribe progress 2: All tribe members reached the second milestone and so on.
  • Following that a tribe will get no Prestige if no member reached the first milestone.

Please remember: The milestones for each quest depend on the time a player is playing on a world. So player can have different milestones. Currently 6 tribe quests are available which will be activated randomly for each tribe.

Quest Description Hints
Recruit units (population) Recruit units in any of your villages until you reach the required population usage
  • Also Noblemen and Paladins are counted
  • Using the Privilege item is counted towards this quest
  • A unit is considered only if the recruitment is finished
Defeat units (population) Defeat units (by population usage) either in offensive or defensive battles
  • Attacking own villages will credit the points as attacker and defender
Spend resources Spend resources anywhere in the game to complete this goal
  • Actions: Recruiting troops, recruiting noblemen, upgrading buildings, recruiting and training of Paladins, research, minting coins / packages. All actions are counted towards the milestone as soon as the order is finished.
  • Actions on the market:
    • Trade with the village merchant
    • Accepting a market offer
    • Selling resources to the Premium Exchange
    • Sending resources to other players will be considered as soon as they arrive
  • Items that immediately finish a building or unit aren't counted
Attack barbarians (minimum 20 pop) Attack barbarian villages ensuring that the attack consists of at least 20 population
  • Scout attacks are counted
  • An attack must arrive to be considered for this quest
  • The attacking units don't need to survive
Loot resources Loot resources from other villages -
Construct buildings You can construct buildings in your Village Headquarters
  • Using the items "Secret Key" and "Inheritance" increases your progress.
  • The building order must be finished to be counted.

The values for the milestones increase weekly and are capped after playing on a world for 52 weeks.